"Will the real Boccherini please stand up" : new light on an Eighteenth-Century portrait in the National Gallery of Victoria
2007 |
Shepheard, Mark D. |
Claude Lorrain's harbour scenes : sun, science and the theatre in the Barbarini years
2007 |
Beaven, Lisa |
Paolo Uccello and Fra Angelico in the Early Quattrocento
2007 |
Hudson, Hugh |
Francesco Trevisani and landscape : "Joseph sold into slavery" in the National Gallery of Victoria
2007 |
Wolfe, Karin |
Giovanni Paolo Panini as architectural critic : the competition for the façade of S. Giovanni in Laterano in 1732 and the Quirinal Caffeaus
2007 |
Marshall, David Ryley |
Sebastiano del Piombo's Ubeda "Pietà" : between Italy and Spain
2007 |
Baker-Bates, Piers |
Untangling the mannerist narrative : Bronzino, Moses, and Eleonora of Toledo in the Palazzo de'Signori, Florence
2007 |
Gaston, Robert W. |
"It is lovely to be a gorilla, sometimes" : the art and influence of Emmanuel Fremiet, gorilla sculptor
2007 |
Gott, Ted |
"The marvel not only of Rome, but of all Italy" : the Galleria Colonna, its design history and pictorial programme 1661-1700
2007 |
Strunck, Christina |
Introduction : some meditations on space and place in recent Florentine art history
2007 |
Gaston, Robert W. |
Interrogating Joe Burke and his legacy
2005 |
Anderson, Jaynie |
'The spirit of Caesar in the soul of a woman' : Artemisia Gentileschi and the will to succeed, 1629 - 1654
2005 |
Marshall, Christopher R. |
Towards an intimate portrait : insights from Ursula Hoff's diaries while Felton bequest adviser
2005 |
Holden, Colin |
Chinese gardens in Australia : diasporic gardens or theme parks?
2005 |
Den Hartog, Lesley |
The trail of the title : image and text in Australian pictorialist photography
2005 |
Ebury, Francis |
Painting from the inside out : Fred Williams' travels and his relationship to the European tradition
2005 |
Zdanowicz, Irena |
Ursula Hoff and the German tradition
2005 |
Palmer, Sheridan |
Land labour and gold : Eugen van Guérard or Edward La Trobe Bateman?
2005 |
Neale, Anne |
Franz Philipp and the Vienna School of Art History in Australia
2005 |
Lausch, Monica |
Annibale Carracci's St Margaret and the single-figure altarpiece in Rome around 1600
2004 |
Russell, Susan |