The Photographic Society founded 1861 in Vienna
2002 |
Auer, Anna |
The Swedish photographer Lewis Larsson and the American colony photographers : the dream of Jerusalem
2002 |
Dahlman, Eva |
Julie Jirečková : the first lady of art photography in Bohemia
2002 |
Dufek, Antonín |
Inventing the interdependency of science and art : Heinrich Schwarz's early writings
2002 |
Faber, Monika |
Generated images : the evolution of images
2002 |
Viviani, Gino |
Word, image and meaning : the challenge to the history of photography in times of censoring
2002 |
Swinnen, Johan M. |
After critical mass, what? : a State-of-the-Craft report on photography criticism
2002 |
Coleman, Allan Douglass |
Anastas Jovanović : calotype poraits and cityscapes
2002 |
Todić, Milanka |
By 1918 : paths from and to Vienna
2002 |
Dufek, Antonín |
Jaroslav Rössler (1902 - 1990)
2002 |
Birgus, Vladimír |
"Fotografie im Gespräch" : conversations about photography
2002 |
Auer, Anna |
Sebastianutti & Benque : five photographers, four generations, three continents
2002 |
Schaukal, Barbara |
Mieczysław Berman : a master of photomontage
2002 |
Bartnik, Krystyna |
Schadographs : the three photogram-phases of Christian Schad
2002 |
Schad, Nikolaus |
Heinrich Kühn and the autochromes
2002 |
Schögl, Uwe |
Wolfgang Suschitzky and the British documentary tradition in the 1930s
2002 |
Forbes, Duncan |
Resurrecting Budapest photographer Manó Mai and his studio/home
2002 |
Török, András |
A photographer without limits
2002 |
Kincses, Károly |
Court photographers - photographers for the court?
2002 |
Fischer-Westhauser, Ulla |
The legacy of Josef Maria Eder in the Weinstadtmuseum Krems
2002 |
Freiler, Thomas |