The high end : Michelangelo's earnings
2003 |
Hatfield, Rab |
Commissioning bodies, allocation decisions and price structures for altarpieces in fifteenth- and early sixteenth-century Italy
2003 |
O'Malley, Michelle |
Prices of works of art and hierarchy of artistic value on the Italian market(1400 - 1700)
2003 |
Gérin-Jean, Pierre |
Neri di Bicci and the commodification of artistic values in Florentine painting (1450 - 1500)
2003 |
Holmes, Megan |
The market for pictures in post-Tridentine Bologna
2003 |
Murphy, Caroline |
Focus on the artist and the middleman : materials, workshop production and marketing during an age of transition
2003 |
Matthew, Louisa Chevalier |
Parenti, clienti, e conoscenti : the nun-artisans of Santa Caterina da Siena and their clients
2003 |
Turrill, Catherine |
Taking Stock : evaluation of works of art in Renaissance Italy
2003 |
Krohn, Deborah L. |
Patrons as agents and artists as dealers in Seicento Bologna
2003 |
Modesti, Adelina |
Produzione seriale e mercato dell'arte a Firenze tra Quattro e Cinquecento
2003 |
Comanducci, Rita Maria |
Il mercato dell'arte a Roma nel XVII secolo : "pittori bottegari" e "rivenditori di quadri" nei documenti dell'Archivio Storico dell'Accademia di San Luca
2003 |
Lorizzo, Loredana |
Making art pay : the meaning and value of art in late sixteenth-century Rome and Florence
2003 |
Butters, Suzanne B. |
Le figure del commercio : cenni sul mercato pittorico veneziano nel XVII secolo
2003 |
Cecchini, Isabella |
Arte, mercato dell'arte e cultura italiana tra Rinascimento e antico regime
2003 |
Fantoni, Marcello |
Portrait medals and assembly-line art in late Quattrocento Florence
2003 |
Flaten, Arne Robert |
Between the patron and the market : production strategies in the Pollaiuolo workshop
2003 |
Wright, Alison |
The Medici sale of 1495 and the second-hand market for domestic goods in late fifteenth-century Florence
2003 |
Musacchio, Jacqueline Marie |
The second-hand trade in the arts in early modern Italy
2003 |
Allerston, Patricia |
The art market in Italy (15th - 17th centuries) : concluding remarks = Il mercato dell'arte in Italia (secc. XV - XVII) : conclusioni
2003 |
Romano, Dennis |
Talking pots : strategies for producing novelty and the consumption of painted pottery in Renaissance Italy
2003 |
Ajmar-Wollheim, Marta |