The Newtonian equivalence principle: How the relativity of acceleration led Newton to the equivalence of inertial and gravitational mass
2016 |
Fox, Craig W. |
Which Curie's principle?
2016 |
Castellani, Elena |
Huygens on inertial structure and relativity
2016 |
Stan, Marius |
Three tales of scientific success
2016 |
Massimi, Michela |
The risk of using inductive risk to challenge the value-free ideal
2016 |
De Melo-Martín, Inmaculada |
Scientific explanation: Putting communication first
2016 |
Potochnik, Angela |
The mechanical philosophy and Newton's mechanical force
2013 |
Kochiras, Hylarie |
Rethinking Newton's Principia
2013 |
Saunders, Simon W. |
The Gibbs paradox and the definition of entropy in statistical mechanics
2012 |
Ainsworth, Peter M. |
Experiments and theory in the preparative sciences
2012 |
Goodwin, William |
Dalton's chemical atoms versus Duhem's chemical equivalents
2011 |
Zwier, Karen R. |
The discovery of Argon : a case for learning from data?
2010 |
Spanos, Aris |
Kuhn on essentialism and the causal theory of reference
2010 |
Kuukkanen, Jouni-Matti |
Einstein's dissatisfaction with Nonrelativistic Quantum Mechanics and Relativistic Quantum Field Theory
2010 |
Rédei, Miklós |
Thermodynamics in Wilhelm Ostwald's physical chemistry
2010 |
Deltete, Robert J. |
Kuhn's evolutionary epistemology and its being undermined by inadequate biological concepts
2009 |
Renzi, Barbara Gabriella |
Michael Faraday's "historical sketch of electro-magnetism" and the theory-dependence of experimentation
2009 |
Cobb, Aaron D. |
Newtonian forces and evolutionary biology : a problem and solution for extending the force interpretation
2009 |
Filler, Joshua |
Qualities, properties, and laws in Newton's induction
2009 |
Miller, David Marshall |
Epistemic landscapes and the division of cognitive labor
2009 |
Weisberg, Michael |