Between accuracy and manageability : computational imperatives in quantum chemistry
2009 |
Park, Buhm Soon |
The G-Stack collaboration (1954) : an experiment of transition
2009 |
Olivotto, Cristina |
Master of the master gland : Choh Hao Li, the University of California, and science, migration, and race
2009 |
Zulueta, Benjamin C. |
Manhattan transfer : lethal radiaton, bone marrow transplantation, and the birth of stem cell biology, ca. 1942 - 1961
2009 |
Kraft, Alison |
From chicken little to Dr. Pangloss : William Nierenberg, global warming, and the social deconstruction of scientific knowledge
2008 |
Oreskes, Naomi |
New instruments and the meaning of quantum mechanics
2008 |
Bromberg, Joan Lisa |
Organisms, machines, and thunderstorms : a history of self-organization Part 1
2008 |
Keller, Evelyn Fox |
Plants and pigeonholes : classification as a practice in American ecology
2008 |
Kohler, Robert E. |
Retooling for the future : launching the advanced light source at Lawrence's Laboratory, 1980 - 1986
2008 |
Westfall, Catherine |
The indirect observation of the decay of mesotrons : Italian experiments on cosmic radiation, 1937 - 1943
2008 |
Monaldi, Daniela |
Icons and electronics
2008 |
Jones-Imhotep, Edward |
Potato agriculture, late blight science, and the molecularization of plant pathology
2008 |
Turner, Roy S. |
Legitimating a nuclear critic : John Gofman, radiation safety, and cancer risks
2008 |
Semendeferi, Ioanna |
"A different kind of beauty" : scientific and architectural style in I. M. Pei's Mesa Laboratory and Louis Kahn's Salk Institute
2008 |
Leslie, Stuart W. |
Megascience in particle physics : the birth of an experiment string at Fermilab
2008 |
Bodnarczuk, Mark |
The peaceful atom as political weapon : Euratom and American foreign policy in the late 1950s
2008 |
Krige, John |
Recombinant science : the birth of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC)
2008 |
Crease, Robert P. |
From factory to farm : dissemination of computing in high-energy physics
2008 |
Seidel, Robert W. |