Use of the galaxy as a tool for spatial and temporal orientation during the early Islamic period and up to the 15th century
2021 |
Eckart, Andreas |
Ibn Raḥīq's text on the Milky Way: Perception of the Milky Way in the early Islamic society
2019 |
Eckart, Andreas |
The Mercury models of Ibn al-Šāṭir and Copernicus
2019 |
Nikfahm-Khubravan, Sajjad |
On Menelaus' Spherics III.5 in arabic mathematics P. I. IBN Irāq
2014 |
Rashed, Roshdi |
Proclus on Plato's Timaeus 89e3-90c7
2013 |
Arnzen, Rüdiger |
Early Ibādī theological arguments on atoms and accidents
2013 |
Sālimī, ʿAbd-ar-Raḥmān Ibn-Sulaimān as- |
Al-Shīrāzī and the empirical origin of Ptolemy's equant in his model of the superior planets
2013 |
Gamini, Amir Mohammad |
Avicenna among medieval Jews : the reception of Avicenna's philosophical, scientific and medical writings in Jewish cultures, east and west
2012 |
Freudenthal, Gad |
L' angle de contingence : un problème de philosophie des mathématiques
2012 |
Rāšid, Rušdī |
De l'usage des coniques chez Ibrāhīm ibn Sinān
2012 |
Bellosta, Hélène |
Mathematical methods in Abū al-Wafā's Almagest and the Qibla determinations
2011 |
Moussa, Ali |
Science in adab literature
2011 |
Lettinck, Paul |
Moving the orbs : astronomy, physics, and metaphysics, and the problem of celestial motion according to Ibn Sīnā
2011 |
Janos, Damien |
Sur un théorème de géométrie sphérique : Théodose, Ménélaüs, IBN Irāq et IBN Hud
2010 |
Rashed, Roshdi |
Les constructions géométriques entre géométrie et algèbre : l'épître d'Abū al-Jūd à al-Bīrūnī
2010 |
Rashed, Roshdi |
Umar Al-Khayyām's contribution to the Arabic mathematical theory of music
2010 |
Barontini, Michele |
The trigonometric functions, as they were in the Arabic-Islamic civilization
2010 |
Moussa, Ali |
De l'usage des transformations géométriques à la notion d'invariant : la contribution d'al-Sijzī
2010 |
Crozet, Pascal |
An eighth century Arabic treatise on the colouring of glass : Kitāb al-Durra al-maknūna (The Book of the hidden Pearl) of Jābir ibn Ḥayyān (c. 721 - c. 815)
2009 |
Ḥasan, Aḥmad Yūsuf al- |
Thomas d'Aquin lecteur critique du grand commentaire d'Averroès à Phys. I, 1
2009 |
Cerami, Cristina |