Did Einstein really believe that principle theories are explanatorily powerless?
2014 |
Lange, Marc |
Special issue on Hilbert's axiomatics : geometry, physics, logic
2014 |
"We have adventured to make the earth hollow" : Edmond Halley's extravagant hypothesis
2014 |
Sinnema, Peter W. |
The notion of limited perfect adaptedness in Darwin's principle of divergence
2013 |
Fleming, Leonore |
The vernacular architecture of household energy models
2013 |
Shipworth, David |
"The most philosophically important of all the sciences" : Karl Popper and physical cosmology
2013 |
Kragh, Helge |
Copernicus and astrology, with an appendix of translations of primary sources
2012 |
Swerdlow, N. M. |
Closing gaps in traditional sky lore
2012 |
Sluijs, Marinus Anthony van der |
Is John F. W. Herschel an iductivist about hypothetical inquiry?
2012 |
Cobb, Aaron D. |
Formalizing syntheses of medical knowledge : the rise of meta-analysis and systematic reviews
2012 |
Bohlin, Ingemar |
Schelling, Hegel, and evolutionary progress
2012 |
Fritzman, J. M. |
Dirac's prediction of the positron : a case study for the current realism debate
2012 |
Pashby, Thomas |
Dirac's "fine-tuning problem" : a constructive use of anachronism?
2012 |
Staley, Kent W. |
"Curious kinks of the human mind" : cognition, natural history, and the concept of race
2012 |
Smith, Justin E. H. |
Francis Bacon, natural philosophy, and the cultivation of the mind
2012 |
Harrison, Peter |
Internationalist utopias of visual education : the graphic and scenographic transformation of the Universal Encyclopaedia in the work of Paul Otlet, Patrick Geddes, and Otto Neurath
2011 |
Van Acker, Wouter |
Coding sequences : a history of sequence comparison algorithms as a scientific instrument
2011 |
Stevens, Hallam |
The uses of analogies in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century science
2011 |
Gingras, Yves |
Cauchy's continuum
2011 |
Katz, Karin U. |
The influence of biology and psychology upon physics : Ernst Mach revisited
2011 |
Pojman, Paul |