Painting for a confraternity? : heraldic details and familial connections : Neri di Bicci's Montreal altarpiece of the "Virgin and Child with Saints Blaise and Michael"
2001 |
Thomas, Anabel |
Parmigianino and the "Entombment"
2001 |
Ekserdjian, David |
"Viva Papa Leone" : Baccio d'Agnolo and the Palazzo Lanfredini in Florence
2001 |
Elam, Caroline |
Botticelli's commission for Sant'Elisabetta delle Convertite and the Courtauld "Trinity"
2001 |
Blume, Andrew Charles |
San Gimignano gets the finger : the creation of a reliquary
2001 |
Krohn, Deborah L. |
Puns, polysemy and interpretation in Filippo Lippi's "Saint Jerome in the Desert with Saints, John the Baptist and Ansanus"
2001 |
Nygren, Barnaby Robert |
Absent architecture in sixteenth - century altarpieces
2001 |
Penny, Nicholas |
The French connection : Philibert de l'Orme reads Francesco di Giorgio Martini
2001 |
Wolf, Eric |
A Mysterious Magdalen : miracles, politics and a lost altarpiece for Lecceto
2001 |
Steinhoff, Judith |
Classicism and the problem of national style : the illustrations of Claude Perrault's Vitruvius
2001 |
D'Elia, Una Roman |
Raphael's "space - composition" : from the Piccolomini Library to the Sistine tapestries
2001 |
Shepherd, Gyde Vanier Gilbert |
Revisions : The "Arca di San Domenico" in Michelangelo's early career
2001 |
Klebanoff, Randi |
Il Marzocco : lionizing the Florentine State
2001 |
Randolph, Adrian W. B. |
A Viceroy comes to Mantua : Ramón Folch de Cardona, Lorenzo Costa and the Italian Renaissance in Spain
2001 |
Bourne, Molly |
"Cose bresciane del Cinquecento" : a new devotional painting by Moretto da Brescia
2001 |
Bayer, Andrea |
Cesare Federighi da Bagno : medalist, gem engraver and sculptor in the workshop of Cellini
2001 |
McCrory, Martha |
Christ in ecstasy : the passion according to Michelangelo and Rosso
2001 |
Nagel, Alexander |
Giulio de' Medici and Mario Maffei : a Renaissance friendship and the Villa Madama
2001 |
Reiss, Sheryl E. |
The effects of Tridentine reforms on "Condottiere" capels and tombs
2001 |
Wegener, Wendy J. |
Portraits and historians
2001 |
Aleci, Linda S. |