Van Dyck, Tasso, and the antique
1963 |
Lee, Rensselaer W. |
Appreciation of Michael Kitson's paper : stylistic problems of Claude's draftmanship
1963 |
Knab, Eckhart |
Bellange et Lagneau ou le maniérisme et le réalisme en France après 1600
1963 |
Pariset, François-Georges |
New documents on Lorenzo Ródríguez and his style
1963 |
Collier, Margaret |
La arquitectura en madera de las misiones del Paraguay, Chiquitos, Mojos y Maynas
1963 |
Buschiazzo, Mario J. |
Mexican architecture and the baroque
1963 |
Baird, Joseph Armstrong |
The style of the Borgia group of Mexican pre-Conquest manuscripts
1963 |
Robertson, Donald |
The gilt wood retable in Portugal and Brazil
1963 |
Smith, Robert Chester |
The early appreciation of drawings
1963 |
Held, Julius S. |
The role of classical models in Bernini's and Poussin's preparatory work
1963 |
Wittkower, Rudolf |
The place of drawings in the art of Claude Lorrain
1963 |
Kitson, Michael |
Rembrandt's so-called portrait of Anna Wymer as Minerva
1963 |
Haverkamp-Begemann, Egbert |
La pintura en Venezuela en los siglos XVII y XVIII : noticia prelimina sobre una investigación
1963 |
Boulton, Alfredo |
Jan de Bisschop's drawings after antique sculpture
1963 |
Gelder, Jan Gerrit van |
The finding of Erichthonius : an ancient theme in baroque art
1963 |
Stechow, Wolfgang |
Mythology and seventeenth-century Spanish painters
1963 |
Angulo Iñiguez, Diego |