System and boundary conceptualization in ground water flow simulation |
2001 |
3,B,8 : Applications of hydraulics |
Modifications to the computer code for nonlinear regression solution of steady-state ground-water flow problems |
1993 |
[2] = Suppl. 1 |
A MODular Finite-Element model (MODFE) for areal and axisymmetric ground-water-flow problems 3 Design philosophy and programming details |
1993 |
6,A,5,3 : Modeling techniques |
Regression modeling of ground-water flow [1] |
1990 |
3,B,4,[1] : Applications of hydraulics |
Determination of stream reaeration coefficients by use of tracers |
1989 |
Book 3, Applications of hydraulics : Chapter A ; 18 |
Measurement of time of travel in streams by Dye Tracing |
1989 |
Book 3, Applications of hydraulics : Chapter A ; 9 |
Methods for collection and analysis of aquatic biological and microbiological samples |
1989 |
Book 5, Laboratory analysis : Chapter A ; 4 |
Techniques of water resources investigations of the United States Geological Survey 5,A,1 Book 5. Laboratory analysis ; Chapter A1. Methods for determination of inorganic substances in water and fluvial sediments |
1989 |
5,A,1 |
Application of seismic-refraction techniques to hydrologic studies |
1988 |
2,D,2 : Collection of environmental data |
Definition of boundary and initial conditions in the analysis of saturated ground-water flow systems : an introduction |
1987 |
Book 3, Applications of hydraulics : Chapter B ; 5 |
Methods for the determination of organic substances in water and fluvial sediments |
1987 |
5,A,3,a : Laboratory analysis |
Computation of continuous records of streamflow |
1983 |
Book 3, Appications of hydraulics : Chapter A ; 13 |
Installation and service manual for US geological survey manometers |
1983 |
8,A,2 : Instrumentation |
Use of flumes in measuring discharge |
1983 |
3,A,14 : Applications of hydraulics |
Measurement of time of travel and dispersion in streams by the Dye Tracing |
1982 |
3,A,9,a : Applications of hydraulics |
Quality assurance practices for the chemical and biological analyses of water and fluvial sediments |
1982 |
5,A,6 : Laboratory analysis |
Measurement of peak discharge by the slope-area method |
1967 |
Book 3, Applications of hydraulics : Chapter A ; 2 |